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8 Traits Of Bear

8 Traits Of Bear

 When your pregnancy is nearing labor time, experienced cramping and discomfort can make you wonder: is this the time? Will I give birth? If nausea is a sign of imminent childbirth? In fact, gave birth to a baby is a long process and your body begins to prepare the week before the real deal begins.

Here are some of the traits that you may have experienced labor.

1. An increase in false contractions

This false contraction can be started as early as 24 weeks, and only the uterine tightening. You may feel a whole abdomen hardens, and then relax again. This contraction can be uncomfortable, but not usually painful. Towards the end of pregnancy, they can come more often — though it's not always a sign of early labor.

2. the baby started moving down

The baby may be starting to move lower into the pelvis as she got ready to go out. This can be seen especially if the baby was positioned just below the rib cage during the last few weeks. Tell the people closest to you that the baby moves toward the pelvis, to keep them alert.

3. Nausea and diarrhea

Does nausea only in the first trimester? Unfortunately, some women experience it again when the labor is getting closer. You may also see a loose stool or diarrhea — all the muscles you start when approaching childbirth, and rectum is one of them (though not every woman will experience this).

4. Experience a loss of mucus

Mucus near the cervix protects the baby from bacteria. When the cervix begins to soften and widen, you can get the slime — can be clear or stained with blood — and will probably get out right before labor begins, or active a few days earlier. Not every mother knows stopper out.

5. Your Cervix dilated

Towards the end of pregnancy, you'll more often be seen Your doctor or midwife, and she may check to see if your cervix is dilated. But don't get too excited if he says "a few centimeters." "You can be two centimeters dilation for weeks without getting a contraction," said Lee Schofield, a family physician at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. This is considered active labor when you are four centimeters dilation.

6. Water amniotic rupture

Typically, the Chechnya water no dramatic we see in the film, and will often occur after the contractions began, or even in the hospital when it was giving birth. But if you get a sudden burst of fluid, it could be a breaking of the amniotic water, indicating that labor is coming. If this happens to you, call your midwife or doctor.

7. You are having back pain which rhythmic

Sometimes, if the baby is lying in an unusual position in Your uterus, you may feel contractions more like severe back pain and rhythmic. If the uterus push the spine because the baby position is different, you will have more work

8. more frequent Contractions and progressive

False contractions can come and go and is generally uncomfortable, but not painful.
When the real contractions start, they become more intense, and there are patterns. When can not talk through them or draw my breath, if you have to stop and breathe in the moment, it is a sign You will get there.

When should you to the hospital?

You might be tempted to go to the hospital immediately after the contractions began, but doctors and midwives encourage you to wait until they become more frequent and intense, especially if it's your first baby.

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