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is alternative therapies that can cure all diseases trust. No wonder now emerging clinical homeopathy by various ' specialty ' ranging from autism to dandruff problems.

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine method began to be developed in Europe since the late 1700 's. Its patron was Samuel Hahnemann, a health expert from Germany.

The principle of this treatment is the use of aqueous solution of natural materials, whether derived from plants or animals. The solution is diluted to a very low dose, in contrast to medical treatment when it felt too hard.

The principle of homeopathy is not a treatment to overcome his illness but rather to increase the durability of the body. If durability is already good, by itself the body will fight off the disease.

Dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Sp ENT. from Cipto Mangunkusumo HOSPITAL confirmed that this therapy can address the wide range of ailments, but its nature is only addressing the symptoms. In medicine, homeopathy is also often used as a compliment (complimentary).

One of the benefits, according to Dr. Jenny is a relatively affordable price. Compared to Western medicine (western medicine), it can be much cheaper because it uses natural ingredients that are easily obtained.

Unfortunately, Dr. Jenny ever studied homeopathy in London it assesses the development of homeopathy in Indonesia less controllable. Each practitioner develops his own self-taught, so no raw standards of academic side.

 "Because it is considered a traditional treatment, developing lightly. Although there is, its nature is more commercial than social,  "says Dr. Jenny when you call detikHealth, Tuesday (10/8/2010).

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