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+ Best Supplements For Menopausal Women

A woman in time will be entering menopause. Surely it will happen a lot of changes to a woman's menopause the body systems than before he entered the period of menopause. A variety of dietary supplement recommended for keeping the body of a woman is menopausal. Here are a few supplements that can be consumed:

Vitamins for menopausal women

1. Calcium

The loss of bone density is becoming a serious problem due to the level of a hormone that drops after menopause. So it is very important to get enough calcium. Women age more than 51 years old need 1200 mg of calcium per day. Calcium obtained from foods. If it should be taking supplements, use small doses with food (no more than 500 mg).

 2. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is the name for a group of compounds called retinoids. Vitamin A formed earlier, also known as retinol, is stored in your liver. But too much can be toxic. You get the vitamin A that is formed when you are consuming animal products, fortified foods, or when you are taking A vitamin supplement.

You also get vitamin A when eating fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene. Body change beta-carotene into vitamin A as needed.

Vitamin A is needed for healthy bones, however, vitamin A as a supplement for menopausal women is still questionable.

A 2002 study linking high levels of vitamin A that is already formed with hip fracture in postmenopausal women. This caused some people questioned whether vitamin A is actually good for the bones.

Further research was mixed, so it is not clear how much vitamin A formed before can increase the risk of fractures.

Vitamin A from beta carotene does not seem to increase the risk of fractures. This can help maintain bone health after menopause. You can help get you to need vitamin A from beta-carotene by consuming fruit and vegetables Orange and yellow.

If taking supplements of vitamin A, do not use it more than the suggested daily value 5,000 IU. You have to find a supplement that has at least 20 percent of vitamin A from beta-carotene.

3. Vitamin D

Best supplements for menopausal women is vitamin d. Without this vitamin, the body is less able to men absorbs calcium. Vitamin D can be obtained from some foods and supplements, but can also be obtained for free from sun exposure. However, despite the amount of sunlight, a bit can cause skin damage. So, it is recommended also to keep consuming food and drink supplements to meet the need for vitamin D for menopause.

4. Hormone DHEA
DHEA hormone levels naturally decline after the age of 30 years. The research found that DHEA supplements can relieve menopausal symptoms such as decreased libido and hot flashes. However, there are studies that say that the hormone DHEA showed no benefits in menopausal women. Long-term use of high doses of DHEA hormone also increases the risk of breast cancer.

5. Soy
Menopausal women tend to experience hot flashes. Research shows that soy effectively relieves the symptoms. Soy-containing foods such as tofu and supplements the Phytoestrogens (component similar to estrogen found in plants) is often used to relieve the symptoms of mild hot flashes.

6. Ginseng
Ginseng can be used as herbal vitamins for menopausal women. Some studies reveal that ginseng may be able to improve the quality of life during menopause. Proven Gingseng improves mood and increase the quality of life. However, further research is still required to strengthen the evidence.

Some supplements can use but must remain consumed with wise. Talk with your doctor about supplements that will be consumed. And also keep in mind that all course supplements have side effects and may interact with medications you consume. So consult before deciding to consumption is highly recommended. ready

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