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6 Kinds Of Hobbies That Are Good For Health

6 Kinds Of Hobbies That Are Good For Health

Most people have a predilection or hobby to a thing. The hobby is sometimes done almost every day because it could make the heart feels pleasure. But did you know, that there are some hobbies that do not only give pleasure only but can also provide benefits good for health? Maybe some hobbies that one of them is your hobby. Curious? The following explanation.

1. write

Writing is a hobby that's not easy to do. Braga hobby is relying on the brain and a little hand gestures alone. Hobbies are writing has its benefits for health, reduce stress, strengthen memory, sleep and make you become more qualified. In addition, a study conducted at the University of Auckland revealed that the writing can accelerate wound healing. Therefore, writing is not only good for the mental but also good for your physical health.

2. Caring for Pets

The most adorable animals such as cats, dogs, and rabbits, have become public if things become pets at home. For those of you who have a hobby of keeping pets, You will certainly get its own pleasure while playing with them, especially if you're just by yourself at home. In addition, caring for pets is also good for your health, that is making my blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body decreases.

3. Dancing

Dancing is one of the effective ways to maintain the festive and inexpensive body fitness while accompanied by pleasant music. There are many types of dances you can as a new hobby, ranging from traditional dance, ballet, belly dance, aerobics, hip hop, jazz, salsa, pole dance, tap dance, modern dance, Latin dance, Zumba, flamenco, and much more.

In addition to the fun, dance is also one of the good cardio exercises to improve heart and lung fitness. With active moves while dancing, You indirectly encourages the body to breathe and use oxygen more effectively. In addition, cardio exercise can also increase strength and muscle health, and improve the overall physical stamina.

If you are still shy to list in the nearest dance class, set the only music in the room and move your body spontaneously to follow the beat of your favorite music. No matter how silly You may look in the mirror, singing can be a lifesaver in your bad mood days that feels heavy.

4. Listening to music

Listening to music is one of the hobbies that are much sought after. Because it can be done anywhere and anytime. Not only fun, hobbies listening to music also provides benefits both for health. According to a study, listening to music is beneficial to set the mood, lowering stress levels, build social ties, and strengthen the immune system.

5. Sports

Sport is an example of a health benefit no doubt. Whether it's just walking, cycling, swimming, mountain climbing, and diving, all have their respective health benefits for the body and mind.

6. Gardening

Gardening indeed the effect of heat-pleasant and dirty, but the activity of caring for the plant has a number of tremendous benefits for the health of the body. The first is care for the health of the skin with sun rays of the morning sun.

In addition, the physical activity required for gardening, like plucking weeds, mowing the lawn, set the potted plants, lifting weights, and using gardening tools can help improve muscle strength and flexibility of the body to move more supple.
easy isn't it? Let's get healthy ... way over easy and simple is it..? come on Let's get healthy-healthy

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