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Can Pregnant Women Eat Cucumber? This Explanation

Can Pregnant Women Eat Cucumber? This Explanation

Cucumber or someone might call ordinary Indonesia cucumber is a vegetable that is usually presented in fresh vegetables. The myth circulating in the community say that cucumbers should be avoided by pregnant mothers, whether this is something right?

Up to now there has been no research that says that the cucumbers are vegetables that banned consumption of pregnant women. Quite the contrary, the cucumber is believed able to overcome dehydration and is good for maintaining healthy skin.

In addition, these vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, manganese, as well as some of the antioxidant flavonoids that can ward off free radicals. Free radicals can invite a number of diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, decreased vision, as well as Alzheimer's disease.

The following are some benefits of cucumber that can be obtained by pregnant women, among them:

Overcoming constipation

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation, to overcome this turned out to be the skin of cucumbers are rich in fiber which is useful to launch the digestive system so as to prevent constipation.

Lowering blood pressure

Drink the infused water cucumber can help lower blood pressure, since the cucumber contains potassium which can regulate the amount of salt in the kidney.

Tackling infections

Cucumbers contain natural antioxidants that are quite high, so it can protect your body from infections and attacks of various kinds of diseases.

Keep the mood conditions

The content of vitamin B in cucumber serves to keep your mood remains in stable condition. The condition while keeping the growth of the fetus to be more optimal.

Keeping blood sugar levels

Consumption of cucumber can help keep blood sugar levels from rising. Besides that, cucumbers contain sodium and minerals are also useful for controlling blood pressure so as to keep the risk of high blood in pregnant women.

Reduce cellulite

The collagen content in cucumber will also help reduce cellulite on the stomach as one of the effects of pregnancy.

Help fetal development

Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, folic acid, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and iron in cucumber can aid fetal development that exist in the content. Besides that, cucumbers contain vitamin K, which can increase bone health of pregnant women.

Cope with swelling

The content of Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber reduces the levels of beneficial water retention so it can be used to reduce the swelling on pregnant women, especially in the area of the eye.

Prevent cancer

Saponin compound phytochemicals on cucumber which is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels, boost the immune system, and prevent cancer against pregnant women.

Lose weight

Weight increased in pregnant women is something that is not likely to want to weight it down. But for people who are trying to lose weight, the steps that can be done is reduce the sugary drink soda, and replaced with a cucumber water or juice to help reduce calories to your body.

Risks that could threaten the
Despite their many benefits, consumption of cucumber on while pregnant is something dangerous. If the intake of cucumber while pregnant, it can harm health, among other things:
Excess amounts of cucumber consumption can lead to a buildup of gas in the stomach. As a result, the stomach will experience indigestion and stomach will feel bloated.
Eating cucumbers in excess may trigger allergic reactions, such as hives, swelling, and other allergic reactions.
A high moisture content in cucumber will make your frequent urination.
Excessive consumption of cucumber can reduce blood pressure, where it became the cause of the pregnant mother quickly tired and sometimes cause dizziness.

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