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Diseases caused by asbestos

Diseases caused by asbestos

Most people affected by the asbestos-related disease are those who in his work are often exposed to asbestos materials, namely building workers. A construction worker to asbestos dust can also bring to his house through his clothing is not replaced and went up to the House, making his family also exposed.

  1. ·        Asbestos exposure has been associated with various diseases such as:
  2. ·        Pleural plaques-pleural thickening of tissue on the network (membranes) of the lungs
  3. ·        Asbestosis-formation network progressive tissue in the lungs
  4. ·        Lung cancer-can occur after a decade after exposure to asbestos. Smokers and building workers are most at risk
  5. ·        Mesothelioma-a type of cancer that affects the pleura. This can happen after a decade since exposure to asbestos.

Prevent exposure to asbestos

When handling asbestos or asbestos-containing materials is possible, some precautions must be made. This precaution is to reduce the risk of a construction worker from exposure to asbestos dust may be minimal.
  1. ·        Wear the full outfit, hat, and gloves.
  2. ·        Always work in a ventilated place.
  3. ·        Wear a mask.
  4. ·        Prior to being processed should dampen the surface of asbestos so that the ashes were not soft sand.
  5. ·        Wherever possible avoid using the drill in asbestos processing and it's good to prepare your vacuum cleaner for absorbing dust asbestos.
  6. ·        After the work is completed. Your work clothes and store it properly, and then wash.
  7. ·        The clothing used in the work should not be washed together with other clothes.

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3 comments for "Diseases caused by asbestos"

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  2. Mesothelioma cancer is a highly fatal disease which can impact the health conditions of a patient and it is one of the rarest forms of cancer.

  3. As per the U.S. Natural Protection Agency (EPA), upwards of a three quarter million schools and open structures in the nation today contain asbestos protection. These were worked under the steady gaze of new asbestos mesothelioma law began to compel the utilization of asbestos right off the bat during the 1970s.Website
