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Maintaining Health

Maintaining Health 

Research of Statistic Brain finds the fact that being healthy is one of the 5 most popular new year's resolutions are made each year. But in fact, not everyone managed to embody the resolution. There is always the temptation just frustrate the realization of this resolution. In fact, the researchers found that many people who stop the measures to comply with the result in the first week after the arrival of a strong determination. Health is indeed an expensive price. However, there is a cheap and easy way to maintain good health.

This is the 9 simple things that you can apply to maintain good health.

1. Brush your teeth well Tripti Meysman, founder of Citytooth, a practice dentistry based in Minneapolis, said that a healthy mouth is also impacting on lung health.  "When there are bacteria in the mouth, the bacteria will be inhaled into the respiratory system you, " he said. This is what increases the inflammation in the lungs and trachea, and increases the chances of contracting respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Clear the mouth of bacteria to avoid gum disease. go to the dentist at least once a year. Brush your teeth with a diligent and use a dental floss to clean it. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. In this way were able to eliminate plaque and other dirt sticks to the teeth. Read: Toothbrush Since Children Grow Teeth

2. Exercising to • avoid back pain Exercise weights are not recommended for those who experience pain in the back. However, William Morrison, an orthopedic surgeon at South Regional Medical Center in Mississippi, saying that no active exercise also cause back pain.   "Normally, people are told to sleep and rest most if their backs ache. But, now we know that it could make things worse, "he said.   Exercise strengthens the core muscles, relieves pressure from the lower back, also to build back muscles so they can prop up the spine better. You can also see a doctor to ask for his advice. However, most physicians will suggest the same thing.   "To be honest, if I could refer people to the gym more often, I will have fewer patients, " said Dr. Morrison. Read: the shape of the Muscles at the same time, reduce Stress, do this in the Gym.

3. Train yourself to defecate regularly defecate regularly is important to regulate bowel function, in addition to helping to overcome constipation. Maybe you think to train oneself to relieve himself on a regular basis like teach a cat. But Satish Rao was a Director of The Digestive Health Center of Augusta University says that this should be done especially after waking up.  "Colon should be dancing to empty itself when you first wake up. But, you can also do this about an hour after breakfast, "he said.  Dr. Rao suggested a trick named visualization for waging this digestion. The trick, just imagines that you have a feeling of relief in which all the ' dirt ' that has been wasted every morning. This will make the muscle sphincter relax. This sphincter muscle is the muscle that surrounds the ring and serves to maintain or close an anus. By constantly visualizing the situation, you can make the brain triggers a signal that there should be ' disposed of ' now. Then you can go to the toilet when you feel the urge it. Illustrations of reading books (Liderina).

4. Read the book more to lower blood pressure  "while reading the book, you have more cognitive engagement and the effects will continue to flow, " said Becca Levy, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health. Through reading books, someone likely to be relieving stress and reduce the amount of the stress hormone cortisol. The decrease in cortisol also lowers blood pressure. You could try reading all kinds of books. However, it should be noted that reading magazines and newspapers won't have this effect because people tend to read it in a short time.  "Reading a book of fiction or non-fiction printed and via the internet will make your brain more relaxed and effective, " said Levy. Illustration (Shutterstock)

5. Let yourself be bored to get energy back solid work Routines indeed often make us feel bored. But, Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.d., Professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina in the US, said that boredom is simply a temporary moment can help lower stress. The existence of this boredom, we could try to get some rest while in the middle of the day and a density of refreshing our energy back. Boredom is often the telltale sign that we're not multitasking. Multitasking is associated with an increase in cortisol and adrenaline that can stimulate the brain works is excessive. "Usually, we're always beating the boredom it by all means. But, if we are trying to make peace with the boredom and see it as a positive thing, it will give us a chance to rest,  "said Barbara Fredrickson.

6. Expand the consumption of mineral or amino acids according to Filomena Trindade from the Institute for Functional Medicine, drinking water is indeed important. However, not everyone can water well. Sometimes, the water just past the system without entering into the cell.  "If you always urinate within 30 minutes after drinking, you may not get the benefits from the water, " he said.  "Add some amino acids or mineral intake to increase Your hydration. Try a pinch of magnesium or Himalayan sea salt,  "Dr. Sara Filomena Trindade. This is very important for those of you who are active in exercise is in a time of healing, or spends most of his time in Office with a dry air. This way can improve Your hydration.

7. use socks to sleep faster Daniel Amen a specialist brain disorders say that wearing socks before going to bed will address the problem of insomnia.  "A pair of thin gloves can also help. Researchers have found that hands and feet warm is the best way to sleep fast,  "he added. According to the National Sleep Foundation, uneven legs or hands causing dilation of blood vessels which can be a signal to the brain that it's time to sleep. 

So the blood vessels open in Your hands and feet, the redistribution of heat throughout your body will be prepared for sleep.  "If you feel hot while wearing socks, try to take it off without opening his eyes, " Dr. Amen advice. Dr. Amen also said that often looked at the clock when waktun sleep makes us feel anxious that finally makes us can't sleep soundly.

8, the benefits of drinking water after waking up. When feeling stressed, put two hands on the heart put both your hands as do the pledge of allegiance is apparently able to reduce stress. Kristin Neff Professor of human development and the associated culture from the University of Texas said that this strange way turns out to be able to compose yourself.  "It will signal the brain to reduce anxiety, " he said. In fact, according to Kristin Neff, as we don't trust this way the body will still be responded. This particular movement is indeed programmed to compose yourself.  "Put your hands in there in a few minutes, or until you feel calmer and take a deep breath to enhance the effect, " said Kristin Neff.

9. Sun d under the Sun in time 10-20 minutes without sunscreen is indeed useful to lower the risk of skin cancer. However, there comes a time we have to be in the Sun without this one.  "You will get stronger bones, low blood pressure, and even sleep better if you get sun exposure, " said Michael Holick, the Director of the Research Center Helioterapi, light, and the skin of the Boston University Medical Center.  "There are beneficial biological processes that occur with sunlight will not you get by taking vitamin D supplements, " he added. Michael Holick also suggested that we should get sunlight in the shoulder, arm, or your legs and not your back or face. The back and the face is often affected by exposure to the rays of the Matahari particularly vulnerable to the risk of cancer, wrinkles, and other skin disease risk. So, don't be afraid to hit by exposure to the Sun in the morning or afternoon. After that, you can re-use Your sunscreen.

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