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Asbestos is a natural silicate mineral that is composed of tiny fibers. In some cases, asbestos can generate dust containing asbestos fibers.

The influx of asbestos fibers into the lungs through breathing can cause various health problems such as pleural plaques, asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Asbestos is commonly used as a raw material of the building because of the rated fireproof, durable and efficient cover material (cheap). Because it is aware of the importance of health and the dangers of asbestos for the body, in some advanced countries in the world, asbestos is no longer used as building materials. But unfortunately, in Indonesia, almost in every household we could find asbestos materials.

The risk of exposure to asbestos

When the fibers inhaled through respiratory, asbestos can pose a danger to health.

The use of asbestos as a building material in the House generally poses no health risk unless the asbestos has been damaged (cracked or broken), or already shaken or bypassed airflow.

Dust containing asbestos fibers can also be generated when building materials containing asbestos are handled by the building workers, such as when nailed, drilled, sanded or cut.

Often also the dust left over from the results of this work are still clinging to the asbestos materials and windblown, or falling down (if the asbestos materials serve as a ceiling or roof tile replacement) that will eventually be inhaled by occupants the House.

It is sometimes difficult to determine whether a building material containing asbestos or not, except as clearly as we often use as a replacement or ceiling tile. The only way to make sure the material is examined in the laboratory. If these ingredients are not tested in the laboratory and are not known to contain asbestos or not, better to treat these materials as asbestos.
Asbestos is also used by the automotive industry. First, car brake shoes and clutch shoes contain asbestos. Better to treat this as a second vehicle spare parts materials containing asbestos.

Read more about: asbestos-caused disease

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