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11 Characteristics Of Lung Cancer

11 Characteristics Of Lung Cancer

the characteristics of lung cancer is a symptom or sign which indicates that a person is suffering from a disease which is plaguing much of Indonesia society. How not, the problem Indonesia is one of the countries with the world's largest cigarette consumption. Lung cancer is indeed correlated with smoking habit. Lung cancer sufferers and the number in Indonesia itself had a fairly high figure.

Unfortunately, according to statistical data, 33% new lung cancer patients come to the doctor when it's reached the stage three. And even 40% come to the doctor when cancer has reached stage 4. This article will discuss about the characteristics of lung cancer that you need to take note and beware, as well as identify some of the factors that make a person at risk of developing cancer of the lung.

Some characteristics of lung cancer to look out for
Cancer is a disease in which found a mass of cells or additional functions different from normal cells. This mass will take the nutrients that are supposed to be used by normal cells. In addition, the mass of the cancer itself can suppress the affected organs, causing inflammation of the surrounding organs and interfere with the function of the organ.

Here are the characteristics of lung cancer to look out for.

Chest Pain

The characteristics of lung cancer is the most common symptom is that makes lung cancer sufferers seek treatment to a doctor or hospital. Pain can arise in the chest, the shoulders even in back. The nature chest pain may also be felt sharp, dull, continuous pain or even sometimes and sometimes not.


Symptoms of cough is characteristic of lung cancer is the most common number two after chest pain. Cough that occurs can be chronic or exceed 8 weeks. Cough may also be accompanied by phlegm or it can also even be dry cough. Although he has been treated with the drug pharmacies or traditional medicine, cough failed to recover and continue to settle. Also note the change in the pattern of coughing. For example, smokers who usually cough will usually feel that the pattern batuknya changed by issuing more phlegm or blood.

Bone Pain

Bone pain sensation a symptom of lung cancer is common as well. Bone pain can be felt everywhere, though most often felt in the backbone. Usually bone pain felt at night and disappear when beaktivitas. But the pain can arise at any time. Bone pain caused by cancer of the lung was originally in spreads to the bone via the blood stream.

Coughing Blood

Cough accompanied with fresh blood or discharge of phlegm mixed with blood spots also are symptoms of lung cancer are common. Cough does not feel pain but can bleed.

Shortness Of Breath

The changing pattern of breath is characteristic of lung cancer among others. Feeling of tightness is perceived as difficult to catch my breath or feels like there is a tightening of your respiratory tract. These symptoms can arise due to tumor mass pressing Your airway. Just ignore shortness of breath that often arise after activities such as walking, doing housework or even work as simple as showering or wear clothes.


The sound of wheezing that accompanies you while exhaling or exciting is happening first in adulthood are to be suspected. Symptoms of wheezing can be caused by allergic diseases such as asthma but can also be caused by lung cancer. If you are experiencing symptoms of wheezing, do not assume that it is the disease of asthma. Better medical treatment to a doctor so the doctor can confirm what disease underlying the wheezing.

Change the voice Became Hoarse and rough

A mass of cancer can hit a nerve that serves in speaking thus giving the characteristics of lung cancer voice that turns into a hoarse. Hoarseness can indeed occur when Your fever. But the hoarseness that settled over 2 weeks worth of suspected and not disepelekan.

Weight Loss

Weight decreases when you are not on a diet ought to be suspected. Because this is one of the hallmark of cancer. Weight loss is usually more than 5 kg per month. Decrease weight because the cancer cells that wear a lot of nutrients that you consume, the cancer will make your appetite decreases so that Your appetite is not as good as usual.


The characteristics of lung cancer this one is indeed quite strange. However this often occurs when cancer cells from your lungs has spread to your brain. Head pain usually irresistible, not lost by retaining drugs pain, very disruptive activity and does not disappear when sleeping. The symptoms can also be accompanied with weak limbs, tingling and loss of balance. Suspect the headache when this is first episode

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