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This Food Can Get 8 Reduce Addiction To Smoking,

This Food Can Get 8 Reduce Addiction To Smoking,

Smoking tobacco is a product which is fresh with a mixture of various kinds of dangerous chemical compounds. Until recently, all medical experts agree that there is not one any benefit derived from the habit of smoking. Because it was a lot going on, people lost their lives due to the side effects of the toxins that are in cigarettes.

Because such cases, many are afraid of the side effects of smoking. But on the other hand, the addict smoking very difficult to stop the custom. That is because smoking contains opium. Every smoker must have the desire to quit, only desire had been unable to because it's addictive.

However, it is difficult not to say could not. For, there are several ways that can help you to reduce opium on smoking slowly. One of them is eating the food here.

1. Green tea

If you want to stop smoking, then you need to try the therapy green tea. This has been done by a lot of people and proved to be quite apart from opium smoking. That is because green tea contains catechins with high concentrations of phytochemicals, which can suppress appetite or desire to smoke. The practice is simple enough, the consumption of green tea 3 times a day, during the morning, afternoon, and evening before going to bed.

2. Licorice

Licorice is a kind of crop legumes originating from Europe, but it's also not hard to find in Asia. Plants that have a Latin name Licorice is normally used as a flavoring or flavorings on food. You can use licorice as a method to quit smoking. Because licorice is believed from the time the ancestors as the herbal remedy which can cure all sorts of diseases, including lung disease resulting from a puff of cigarette smoke.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng is a plant that is well known as a medicinal herb. This plant has the active compounds that can inhibit the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. The neurotransmitter dopamine is known as gives a sense of happiness when someone is smoking. Well, with the compound owned by the ginseng, then you will experience a decrease in favor while sucking up smoking so it will stop gradually.

4. Milk

When you smoke, your lips will lose their suppleness and will become darker. Some people say that drinking a glass of milk will help revive your delicious lips. Â if you try drinking a glass of milk or eat dairy products before smoking, then you probably know what a bad combination of the two. Â the taste of milk has the power to make the flavor of smoking became bitter. Â so when you start to have the desires of smoking, drinking a glass of milk to deal with it.

5. Celery, carrot, and cucumber

In addition to the nutrients that you can get from these vegetables, this material is also known to make a smoker can reduce dependency against nicotine. The crunchy Texture of vegetables â this helps in reducing the craving to smoke. In addition, they can make sense of smoking become unpleasant.

6. Broccoli and cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower are other vegetables that are beneficial to the smoker and also good for wearing who are not smokers.  these vegetables contain sulforaphane that is responsible for producing chemicals that protect the lungs from poison.  However, some experts say that too much nicotine in the body will beat so that sulforaphane therapeutic properties of broccoli and cauliflower is probably not very effective for  heavy smokers.

7. Citric fruits

Smoked continuously will reduce levels of vitamin C in your body  this is because nicotine absorbs Ascorbic acid which makes the body isn't healthy.  to reduce nicotine dependency, you need to increase the consumption of citric fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges and lemons.

8. Apple

Smoke gives a lot of toxins in the blood your body which cause a variety of diseases. Â eating an Apple every day can fight the poison caused by smoking. Apples contain a lot of water and pectin that helps to remove toxins in the body. Â Apple crisp Texture can also reduce the desire to smoke.

Actually this food only as a supporter You quit smoking. The main thing is your intention to quit. Good luck.

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