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Food And Beverages Are Harmful To Fetus To You

Food And Beverages Are Harmful To Fetus To You

When a woman is pregnant, all eaten and drunk will affect the health of her fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should keep well what was eaten and drunk a day-a day.

The following are foods that should be avoided when pregnant, of whom:

The food is not cooked

Foods to avoid while pregnant was consuming foods that are less mature or even crude — because it will increase the risk of becoming infected with toxoplasmosis and e. Coli. Both of these bacteria can lead to serious infection in the fetus.

Beware if eating fish

The pollution of sea water in the form of heavy metals and mercury need to be a concern for pregnant women. Therefore, be careful when selecting fish as a foodstuff of pregnant women.

Tuna fish consumption should be restricted because of the high risk of these fish contain mercury that can disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system.


Processed milk products

Pregnant women should avoid some of the processed milk products one is cheese. Several types of cheese contain the bacteria listeria. This bacteria is a type of bacteria that cause toxicity in the blood and causes premature birth to a miscarriage.

Listeria bacteria are present in many types of soft cheese such as brie and camembert, a type of cheese that comes from the milk of goats and sheep, and some kind of milk that is not pasteurized.

Good food consumed in pregnant women
After learning some of the foods that should be avoided when pregnant, now you have to know what foods are good for consumption. One of the foods it is vegetables.

Vegetables for pregnant women is one of the foods that are useful to support fetal development because many essential nutrients that can be beneficial for pregnant women and the fetus.

In addition, abundant fiber in vegetables can prevent you exposed to problems often experienced by pregnant women i.e. constipation and hemorrhoids.

The following are some of the vegetables that are either consumed pregnant women, among other things:


Spinach save many substances that are good for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin k. Additionally, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.


A very strong antioxidant substances like likopen you can get from eating tomatoes. In addition, tomatoes also contain vitamin A and vitamin c. Efficacy of tomatoes will be much more noticeably when cooked into a sauce or eaten with a little oil.


In addition contains calcium, an important content of broccoli are a few substances that may help protect the body from cancer, that beta carotene, indoles, and isotiosianat.

The crucial thing, healthy nutrition in broccoli appears when these vegetables cut. Let stand broccoli that was cut in for five minutes, and then cooked. Do not overcook any cook it so that his content is not lost.

Green beans

Green beans are vegetables good for pregnant women because they contain protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and folate. In order to make the content on green beans do not change, it is recommended to store green beans into the refrigerator after you buy it.

Vegetables that are prohibited for pregnant women

Although the vegetable has many benefits, it is recommended to wash the vegetables in advance with the right way. Dirt like soil that is often attached to the vegetables can be very dangerous for pregnant women because risk exposed to e. coli or toksoplasma.

In addition to its cleanliness, you also know some of the vegetables that are prohibited for pregnant women, among them:


All kinds of chili peppers best avoided during pregnancy. The substance capsaicin in Chili which gives rise to a sense of spicy and hot. When the body is consuming spicy food, it could increase the hormone prostaglandin.

When you eat spicy in excess, it can increase the release of prostaglandins in which this causes smooth muscle induces contraction. Contraction that occurs when you eat spicy just like when you will feel the birth.


A chemical compound found in pare can stimulate uterine shrinkage and increases the risk of premature babies to miscarriage. In addition, pare also contain vicine compounds that can menstimulan the onset of symptoms of favism (acute allergy).


Some types of potatoes to avoid pregnant women are potatoes that have a greeny colour under the outer skin layers. This is because the presence of substances containing the glycoalkaloid poison.

In addition, make sure that also the potato is cooked until done. Because raw or half-cooked potatoes can bring bacteria such as e. Coli, listeria or salmonela.

Beverages to avoid pregnant women

In addition to several kinds of vegetables are recommended not to be consumed at the time of pregnancy, there are some drinks should also be avoided during pregnancy, including:

Alcoholic beverages

Some experts say that consuming alcoholic beverages in the last trimester can impact to the difficulty in learning and memory disorder of the child in the future. This is because in the last three months or the end of the trimester is a time of the baby's brain development.

If you drink more than 4.5 cans of beer per day during pregnancy, it can cause your baby suffering from Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FAS). Children with FAS will experience problems in the development of her body.

The smaller head size, facial abnormalities, as well as disruptions in learning and behaving, and slow in speaking are some problems occur when pregnant women consume alcohol.


Caffeinated drinks

During early trimester, caffeine in coffee can increase heartburn (State of feeling the heat in the stomach) and stimulate the secretion of stomach acid. Meanwhile, phenol compounds contained in the caffeine can reduce the body's ability in absorbing iron.

When iron is very important for pregnant women, is needed because many pregnant women lack iron. If you want to consume caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee are preferably between meals so that it will have less effect on the absorption of iron.

FAVISM is itself a form of allergy that needs to get serious handling binding result caused quite a severe skin rash, among others, facial redness, and itching is prolonged.

Raw sprouts
Some doctors advise not to eat raw sprouts because inside the seeds contained bacteria. However, if you already cook with ripe, then consume sprouts does not harm fetal condition.

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