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Benefits Of Beeswax To Maintain Skin Health

Benefits Of Beeswax To Maintain Skin Health

Honey is one of the natural ingredients that have a variety of benefits to keep the body's health. However, it turns out that not only the honey can be used. You can also use the beeswax honeycomb or to maintain the health and beauty of the skin. Moreover, beeswax is also equipped with a variety of active ingredients in it. Related to this, apparently many manufacturers of skin care products that add beeswax formula on the material.

Understanding honey is viscous liquids in General natural sweet taste. The honey produced by honey bees from flower essence plants or parts of plants (Ihsan, 2011). Honey is a food that contains various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dekstrin, plant pigments and aromatic components. Even from the results of research on food and nutrition experts, honey contains most carbs are high among other livestock products such as: milk, eggs, meat, cheese and butter around (82.4% higher). Every 100 grams of pure honey is worth 294 calories or comparison of 1000 grams of pure honey is equivalent to 50 eggs or chicken 5,675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat (Aden, 2010).

Honey is a liquid that resembles honey syrup, more viscous and sweet taste, produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. If Honey Bees inside the hive the nectar secreted from the honey SAC in abdomen and chewed together other wasps are carried out, if the nectar already subtly placed on the cells, if the cells already filled will be closed and the fermentation occurs.

Sweet taste of honey caused by elements of the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has a sweet flavor that is almost the same u.s. sugar. The history of the use of honey by humans is already quite long. From the first human use of honey for the food and drinks as a sweetener or flavoring. The scent of honey depends on the source of the nectar that bees are taken.

1. Keep the Humidity of the skin

One of the benefits of beeswax is able to protect the skin. Especially from attack foreign materials or air that is too dry. Offered from pages Annmarie Gianni, beeswax is capable of forming a protective layer on the surface of the skin. This of course will make the skin more optimally protected. In addition, the protective layer also helps lock humidity on skin cells so that the skin will not experience a number of problems.

2. Refresh Skin

In addition to the powerful in forming a protective layer, beeswax can also make skin feel more fresh. This is because beeswax can absorb more water. Further, the beeswax also does not cause the skin pores clogged so it is safe to use for acne-prone skin or oily.

3. Merejuvenasi Skin

Not only moisturize, beeswax also contains vitamin a. as additional information, vitamin A acts as a eksfolian that makes the skin look cleaner. In addition, vitamin A also stimulates the onset of rejuvenasi process that makes the skin look more radiant is more natural.
Who would have thought if not just honey that can be used to treat and maintain skin health. You can also utilize the beeswax is also equipped with various active ingredients in it. So, ready to try beeswax?

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