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Weight 10 Kilos In A Week?

Weight 10 Kilos In A Week?

Have an ideal body shape and proportioned is the dream of every person, especially women. This is because the form of the body believed to be one way to boost the appearance to make it more interesting. Therefore, many women are willing to do anything to get his body shape, for example, go on a diet, extreme sports, to slimming medications.

Okay You do diet and exercise in losing weight. However, if consuming drugs, best avoided. For sure you are consuming drugs have side effects that are unexpected. Because, there have been many cases occur, people who consume drugs slimming found serious problems in health.

To replace it, here's how the most potent and very that you can use. In fact, this way it is claimed is able to lose weight by 10 kilos in a week. What to do?

1. reduce the Carbs

If during this routine You are consuming foods with high carbohydrates, then kurangilah. Because food carbohydrates will make the production of the hormone insulin which consequently increases fatty build-up in the body. Not only causes the fat, but fat can also trigger the arrival of another disease, such as kidney, liver, and even obesity.

2. reduce Sugar

Not just carbs, it turns out that the sugar can also increase the hormone insulin in the body. With too much sugar, then the fat burning process will be more difficult. Instead got an ideal body, excess sugar can cause dangerous diseases, such as diabetes. To that end, subtract one sugar from now so you get the health as well as an ideal body weight.

3. Multiply Protein

As a substitute for carbohydrates, you can consume foods rich in protein. This is because protein can increase the metabolism in the body so that it becomes more effective fat burning. As for foods that contain protein such as eggs, chicken, meat, fish, and beans.

4. Sports

The activity that this one can not be negotiable, because sports can provide fitness for your body. Not only that, with regular exercise, you will gain weight loss dreams. For the sport could be meluruhkan fat naturally and convert it to steam along with sweat.

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