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Recognize What That Wet Lung

Recognize What That Wet Lung

On this occasion we will give a little information to you about the characteristics of a wet lung disease or pneumonia and TUBERCULOSIS or lung diseases flecks. Because the two types of illness associated with lung organ will be very dangerous if it does not get further medical treatment. But the problem is the community still lacks understanding of how the signs or symptoms of the diseases. In the end the pain sufferer recently have started disease known severe. When it's so of course healing will be harder and longer. He was one of the reasons why you should find out what are the characteristics of wet or pulmonary disease pneumonia and characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis or flecks. So lest You be more alert and able to prevent such diseases, refer to the following information.

The characteristics of Wet lung disease and its cause

As last we have already conveyed, Lung wet is a lung disease that is dangerous. When the disease is negligible, risk their worst is death. Wet lungs is a disorder or disease that is caused by the presence of fungal infection, bacteria or viruses. And as a result is the lungs are infected will be inflamed. The disease also called the pneumonia is making air pockets in the lungs called alveoli or will be filled with fluid or pus. Then the ability of the lungs to absorb air will decrease. Then what are the characteristics of a wet lung disease?

Traits or symptoms of a wet lung sufferers generally in the form of a fever accompanied by a cough phlegm so. The cough usually begins with a dry cough. In addition the eyes will be watery, chest pain will be felt and the sufferer will experience mild headaches. Some other symptoms that are also often happens that is body feels Achy, tired more easily and throat pain.

In a long period of time, Lung wet can also cause the sufferer to eat talking lust diminished. Thus one of the characteristics of the lung disease is the wet weight that continue to shrink due to not getting enough nutrient intake. Even in some specific cases, Lung wet sufferers can experience skin discoloration due to lack of oxygen in the circulation in the whole body. Usually the skin will turn into a somewhat purplish. A sufferer of lung wet will also experience a cold sweat, especially at the palms of the hands and feet.

Well, if you or your family are experiencing signs of lung disease wet as we've described earlier, should immediately take it to the doctor or to the hospital so that immediately get medical handling. And to avoid the wet lung disease, there are several precautions you should do. First, we recommend You start now avoid the habit less good especially smoking and drinking alcohol. Second, always keep the hygiene of the body and also the hygiene of your hands. Because the hand is one of the organs of the body can be an intermediary an influx of harmful microorganisms cause lung wet into the body. Because it is generally wet lungs can be caused by 30 kinds of source of infection, especially bacteria, fungi, viruses, and chemical substances.

Starting a healthy life Pattern so that spared from lung disease

Well, that last is our brief explanation on how the characteristics of wet lung disease and also traits disease lung TUBERCULOSIS or flecks. And remember the lungs is one of the vital organs in the body, then we should start the health conscious to always keep the lungs. Actually quite simple, that is to change bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Then change the habit becomes more positive especially diligently exercising. Also, you should not allow your immune system is weak so u.s. is not susceptible to the disease. The consumption of nutritious foods food especially fruits, vegetables and whole grains so that the endurance of the body as well as the health of your body awake. Such information can we tell about lung disease. Hopefully in the future this article can make you more aware of lung health. Recognize What That Wet Lung

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