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Lumbar Disease Herbal Remedy

Lumbar Disease Herbal Remedy

Pain arising in the waist can be derived from muscle pain, nerve pain, arthritis, or other diseases. To overcome the pain in your loins, it doesn't hurt you try natural waist pain medications from a variety of plants and herbs.

There are many options of plants and herbs believed to be useful as a diverse natural waist pain medicine. Yuk, learn what plants can be used to relieve pain your loins!

Java Tea Leaves

The plant is believed to be the cat's whiskers alleviates lumbago naturally-dokterbabe

Historically, the public believes that Indonesia Java tea plant was able to heal diseases associated with kidney and bladder. This plant can also reduce pain from lumbago.

The cat's whiskers efficacy associated with the high content of compounds with good effect against the impact of the body. Among them was genkosid orthosifonin, fatty acids, essential oils, vegetable oils, saponins, sapofonin, and potassium salts.

To treat lumbago, simply boil some leaves the whiskers cat in 150 ml of water over low heat until boiling. Once filtered, water from rebusannya results can be taken once a day.

However, consumption of stew that's best avoided by sufferers of heart failure and renal failure due to risk causing the edema. This herb is better not to be consumed in the long term.


The content of Curcumin in turmeric is believed to be able to reduce pain-dokterbabe

Spices are widely used for cooking and this turned out to be beneficial herbs relieve arthritis, stomach ulcers, and inflammation.

Although still requires more detailed study, some experts believe that the content of kurkuminnya which is an anti-inflammatory can relieve lumbago. No wonder, turmeric is considered a natural waist pain medication that is easily processed by yourself at home.

In General, saffron rated safe for consumption. But note that konsumsinya with high doses or long-term risk trigger indigestion. In addition, people with diseases of the gallbladder are advised to avoid mengonsumsinya.


Ginger is often used as an herb for relieving lumbago-dokterbabe

Ginger is a popular herb among interested in traditional medicine. This plant is able to relieve nausea and improve appetite for people affected by gastrointestinal disorders.

Although it still needs further research, ginger extract is also believed to be treating lumbago. This is because the ginger contains phytochemicals, i.e. compounds that can help reduce inflammation of the muscles and joints.

Eucalyptus Oil

Oil from eucalyptus will provide cold sensations on the skin as well as reduce the pain in the waist-dokterbabe

Most people generally are often heard of eucalyptus as a remedy for overcoming the flu and cough. However these plants can also help overcome the lumbago and back naturally.

Simply DAB or rub the oil from the leaves of eucalyptus on the part that feels pain. This oil will give you a cool sensation on the skin.

The content of tannin substance in it will react to relieve pain on a part that is experiencing inflammation or swelling.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera flesh can be used to massage the waist part that feels ill-dokterbabe

In addition to treat burns, Aloe Vera is alleged to be useful anyway to help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. This plant is often included as a composition in the form of oles in order to relieve the pain in the joints.

Red Ginger

Red ginger stew believed water can lower the pain in the waist-dokterbabe

Red ginger contains gingerol, shogaol and zingeron, with high levels. These substances are believed to be able to reduce the pain and are anti-inflammatory.

To reduce pain, simply poached a few grams of Red ginger. As a variation, you can mix other plants, such as the appointment of a black sky, mustard greens, root or leaves.

Once boiled in 600 cc of plain water until boiling, strain and drink water rebusannya while warm. When drunk, this type of ginger can also give a warm effect in the body that will make you relax.


In addition to cooking as a spice, garlic can be used also as a reliever herb lumbago-dokterbabe

In addition to the usual used to nourish the hair and eliminates acne, garlic can be used as a natural pain remedies.

The way the process is not difficult. Prepare 120 Gr. Red ginger, 150 Gr. garlic.

Lumbar Disease Herbal Remedy

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