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How To Treat A Toothache

How To Treat A Toothache

How to treat a toothache a toothache is a disease that occurs around the jaw which is caused by a swollen gums or teeth that are experiencing one of the holes until the damaged due to bacteria, in addition to the pain arising from the toothache is usually to propagates to the head and make activities disrupted, but calm we will review how to easily treat a toothache and how to prevent it you're experiencing certainly only here:

1. Salt water

An easy and cheap way to relieve toothache is by means of excessive use of salt water gargle do I prepare warm water and 2 spoons of salt in the mix and stirred until the salt dissolves. This proven way to relieve toothache due to excessive salt is rich in antioksida.

2. Hydrogen peroxide

How is almost the same with salt water hydrogen peroxide has a very good substance to help the healing process dental pain you are experiencing.

3. cold Compress

When you feel the two steps that I give is still too difficult then you need not worry because just by mengkompresnya with cold water only pain can be corrected simply by pasting in place of the pain you are experiencing, as for the reason toothache voltage high blood and travels to the head then it is effective in addition to medicine is the way mengkompresnya with cold water, when with airhangat able to make you comfortable, then there is no harm to try it out.

4. Garlic

Tidakhanya garlic as complements didapur dishes or flavors as an antidote to the jin and others. It turns out the efficacy of garlic can also relieve toothache quickly even treating pain in the tooth without excessive side effects, this way I practise and it turns out my tooth pain is gone in 5-10menit since I use onion This white as a remedy, the way I do it is very easy because I am quite squeeze it in the mouth while I paste in the source that the problematic teeth, may initially be very sore but after silenced during 5-10 minutes the pain disappear so only.

5. Clove oil

The use of clove oil is relatively easy to apply clove oil alone this place of pain/tooth problem tih eventually recovered and already I ask some of my friends and proven to be effective.

6. Leaves of the guava

For this guava leaves no way uniquely by eat it straight from the tree, maybe this way is quite strange but most rural people in this way is also capable of treating stomach pain and toothache, as for the carapemilihan leaves are not all leaves are edible and in medicine but with how to select young leaves and contains 3 strands of leaves. Because it is still very young leaves are good for in a drug when you don't stand with the sour taste of the leaves of guava, you can also add salt while eating it.

1. Drugs And pain reliever the last way is to how to buy medicine in the pharmacies nearest but here I recommend to check it out myself whether there are perforated teeth, or swollen gums, because when you know what causes the pain then Officer pharmacies can provide the right medicine anyway so your dental disease soon recovered quickly.

So, for a discussion today hopefully the tips I give a quick treat pain your teeth. Congratulations read the article I read more ...

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