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How To Reduce The Symptoms Of Pneumonia

How to reduce the symptoms of pneumonia

How to reduce the symptoms of pneumonia, even though we already know that this pneumonia, can be cured without drugs, however, there are some tips that we can do to reduce the symptoms of inflammation of this example:

1. Rinse out the one up to the esophageal (gargle) with an antiseptic mouthwash that there is presence of povidone-iodine mouthwash use, it's about 2 to 5 times a day. With an antiseptic Solution containing povidone-iodine is to kill almost any bacteria cause disorders in the mouth and throat, one of the ways this can also prevent us going illnesses such as colds and other.

2. Drink plenty of water, especially if you are experiencing a fever. With our drinking plain water is sufficient, then you can increase the long-term durability of your body. It also frequently drank plain water can rejuvenate the skin so you can be ageless.

3. no smoking and trying to • avoid the surroundings will smoke with so you can reduce the symptoms of your lungs. At this time the smoke is very easy in the encounter and difficult to • avoid, then I recommend you to wear a mask when out of the House.

4. Try not to make the irritation in the throat by not consuming drinks or food that is too hot.

5. Gargle with salt water, in this case in the recommend drinking with salt water with temperatures warm, the usefulness of this way is able to relieve the inflammation or swelling in the throat.

What if the pain still persists contact the nearest doctor
In General, the sore throat will heal on its own without having to drink the medicine of his time is also not too long enough a few days without the consumption of drugs.
 You can also consume drugs sold in Pharmacies for example: ibuprofen and paracetamol, however it would be nice of you to first consult to his doctor, if experiencing symptoms that are not good enough, such as a sore throat that does not failed to get better but it's been on e week and accompanied by a high fever of about 38 ° c. so hurry up call your doctor, atupun went to the doctor.
A high fever and a sore throat is a good idea to check with you soon to detect conditions that are more serious, such as:
I. Abscesses peritonsiler or quinsy, a swelling of the throat making festering between the ceiling and the back of the tonsils. Usually also on the excess fever join.

II. Epiglottitis, namely the presence of inflammation in the folds of tissue at the back of the throat and under the tongue (Epiglottis) people who experience capable of inhibiting the respiratory system and what if not immediately treated him well.

III. Infections Mononucleosis, i.e. the occurrence of infections of Epstein Barr virus which is characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, high heat, and sore throat. This very dangerous virus that is capable of injuring the system on the throat.

Currently, gejela is caused by a virus-the virus is able to heal the way in consultation with the doctor, so that doctors can immediately check and give you a good choice for patients.

However, it is in many sayangkan on people in General if mengaggap afternoon throat is common and later will heal on its own but if it lasts long enough, then I highly recommend that you check the condition immediately.

In the recommend for readers to keep good body wellness body parts within and outside, with a healthy way of life also, we will be spared from a variety of diseases, healthy lifestyle is the right answer for the readers of this blog, and I've reviewed him in detail and is su I table for the elderly, workers, school children, as well as babies, so that the possibility of the occurrence of the disease in the country numbers can be reduced. the.

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