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How To Easily Treat A Cough

How To Easily Treat A Cough

Cough is a reaction that comes from within the human body that issued a special substance, where it resembles such as mucus or fluid on point for the respiratory tract, cough and also has its own species of which is coughing cough and phlegm so no phlegm so.
Causes of coughing phlegm so is because of the occurrence of an infection in the lungs so that the production of phlegm becomes irregular and phlegm itself functions as the respiratory in should be, but many presume that they cloud the phlegm is a disease on esophagus so don't be in the wrong to interpret his own phlegm function problem.
It's been popping up a variety of medications to treat cough or phlegm cough no phlegm so so, and other types of herbal remedies is no less competitive in the market for treating these diseases cough,
But prior to the tips and tricks how to cough, sore remedy let us know what are the causes of cough and cough no phlegm phlegm so so
1. respiratory tract infection
2. a heavy Flu
3. Inflammation
4. Gastric acid
5. Cigarette smoke

How to secrets of the cough that you feel

This very secret way I kept secret to the public, but due to the large number of requests from people who want to know how my secret then I will for you, you know what else the disease cough is very disturb your routine Saturday with friends, and sometimes make you lethargic and be l ESS eager for that here was the secret tips reduce the cough:

1. gargle with salt water
2. Multiply the drinking of mineral water
3. Maintain body condition to always warm
4. Avoid people affected by flu or cough
5. Wash using lukewarm water
6. If you subtract the smoker is your smoke and those who do not try SEMOKING • avoid contact directly from the users of smoking
7. Multiply the break
8. Stop consuming alcoholic beverages
9. avoid smoke and dust, you are so on suggest to wear face coverings when you're driving away
Well, now you have to know what are the causes and how anything secret cure disease coughs, and now we will discuss how to treat with natural herbal ingredients, which will not be inferior to other pharmacies medications, following exposure in full:

1. mix the ginger, lime juice, and soy sauce

This mix is very easy in most encounter around us buy 2 rounds Orange, 1 sachet of soy sauce, and 2 segment ginger. Squeeze the lime into the container and then grated one the 2 races of the ginger and add soy sauce, 1 sachet Seder with warm water, to his consumption of 2 times a day quite regularly.

2. the betel 

leaf is the leaf of a million benefits and very effective cough to treat themselves in this process of processing also is very easy to prepare your first few strands of betel leaves and as a complement to prepare also ginger. cut or sliced both materials that last had at hard-boiled and then prepare to boil and then wring it out, and drink warm while you drink.

3. honey Honey 

Cure all medicine that cured the disease all which just by eating the honey in addition of honey also helps as a medication, Adders stamina, vigor, and the effect is good for the body and in the process of healing the disease cough pairing of honey is white pepper is also a very easy way of processing that is

Just add the white pepper and honey, seducing by using warm water, drink regularly until your cough is cured.
Thank you for reading my arikel and wish you suffer the disease can be cured and soon provided good luck, and don't forget to read again the article I am prepared right, especially for readers again

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